

Page history last edited by Lana Hallmark 6 years, 10 months ago


Here, in no particular order, are the questions most frequently asked about Arkansas Fine Arts instruction:



1. Can two or three courses be 'stacked' into one period? YES. However, entry-level courses must be stand-alone. In other words, Art I cannot be stacked with other courses, but any combination of Art II, III, and/or IV could be stacked into one period. The exception is ensemble courses such as choir and band which are allowed to stack all levels.

2. What is the limit on class size in fine arts? Generally, class size rules for the regular classroom apply to fine arts courses, too. However, theater and dance classes have a higher cap at 50 students. Ensemble courses such as choir and band are considered suitable for large group instruction and essentially have no limit.

3. What is the fine arts requirement for Grades 1-6?  All students in Grades 1-6 should have 40 minutes per week (or its equivalent throughout the year) of both visual art and music taught by a teacher licensed in that area. In Kindergarten, the instruction can be offered in the regular classroom by the regular classroom teacher.  http://www.arkansased.gov/public/userfiles/Legal/Legal-Current%20Rules/ade_205_art_music_instruction.pdf  

4. What are the fine arts requirements for 7th and 8th grade? There is no seat time requirement for Grades 7 and 8 as there is in the lower grades. However, the teacher must be given enough time with the students to cover all of the required academic standards for the course. Also, in Grade 7 and in Grade 8, a student can choose either visual art or a performing art each year.    http://www.arkleg.state.ar.us/assembly/2013/2013R/Acts/Act599.pdf

5. Can students in Grade 8 get high school credit for entry-level courses? Yes. A simple application through the course approval system is required, but when approved, students in Grade 8 can get high school credit and fulfill their fine arts graduation requirement.

6. Can a teacher design a course that is not already offered in ADE's fine arts academic standards? YES. A course can be designed and submitted through the course approval system. It is highly recommended that the teacher contact the Fine Arts Program Adviser for guidance through the project.

7. Is it possible to offer fine arts dance? YES. ADE provides academic standards for Dance I-IV and Dance Appreciation. The licensure requirements include a CTE performing arts permit (613) or a drama/theatre license. This should not be confused with dance teams taught by teachers holding physical education licenses.  Dance teams do not qualify to use the course code for Dance (459200) and receive performing arts credit.  http://www.arkansased.gov/divisions/learning-services/curriculum-and-instruction/curriculum-framework-documents/fine-arts-new-courses-valid-july-1-2015 

8. Can theatre or dance fulfill the fine arts requirements?  The Standards of Accreditation require that students receive instruction in visual art or performing art. Theater and dance, like music, are considered performing arts. However, the Current Rule regarding instruction in Grades 1-6 specifically uses the term 'music.' Therefore, in Grades 1-6 theater and dance will not substitute for music instruction, but in Grades 7-12, including the fine arts graduation requirement, theatre or dance will fulfill the performing arts requirement. 

9. What is the difference between ELA Drama and Theatre?  ELA Drama is an one-semester English course. It earns an ELA credit, must be taught by either an ELA or drama teacher, and must be offered in a district that only offers one semester of Oral Communication (including Embedded Oral Communication). The course code for ELA Drama is 416000 and it does not fulfill the fine arts graduation credit. Theatre is a two-semester fine arts course. It earns a fine arts credit, must be taught by a licensed drama teacher, and is not associated in any way with Oral Communications. Its course code is 459100.

10. Can the district place students in a two-semester fine arts course for only one semester? Districts should not put students in two-semester arts classes with the intention of changing their schedules at semester, and districts should not transfer students into a two-semester arts class at semester without the prerequisite class time. However, there are exceptional cases in which this is unavoidable. In those cases,  the student will get the fine arts credit for the semester. Again, the district should not be doing this as a regular policy.

11. Is there a budget or a list of items or equipment that districts are required to provide in fine arts classrooms? Department budgets and unattached equipment are district decisions and ADE has no regulations regarding them. There is a suggested minimum budget and a suggested unattached equipment list, but both are subject to district and state funding availability.     http://www.arkansased.gov/public/userfiles/textbook_files/equipmentlists.pdf    http://www.arkansased.gov/public/userfiles/Legal/Legal-Current%20Rules/ade_205_art_music_instruction.pdf 

12.  When will fine arts standards be revised again?  New fine arts standards revision is scheduled for 2019 with implementation scheduled for the 2020 school year.





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