

Page history last edited by Lana Hallmark 6 years, 8 months ago




The Every Student Succeeds Act: An ESSA Overview  (from Edweek)




ESSA emphasizes the need for all students to have access to a well-rounded education that includes the arts, humanities, sciences, social sciences, English and mathematics.

ESSA opens up many opportunities for states and districts to invest in activities that support a well-rounded education, including the new Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants.

With ESSA, districts are asked to conduct a comprehensive needs assessment to identify the needs of their unique populations and make investments to address those needs.

Source:  Education Commission of the States ESSA's Well-Rounded Education.


ESSA well-rounded education

SOURCE:  http://neatoday.org/2016/06/21/essa-well-rounded-education/


*For clarification on the term “arts” in ESSA, the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions did release a report to accompany their original bill (The Every Child Achieves Act of 2015). Although not an official part of the final legislation, this committee report states that the committee intended that the arts “may include the subjects of dance, media arts, music, theatre, and visual arts, and other arts disciplines as determined by the State or local education agency” (pg. 52).


ESSA and the Arts: Arkansas


The Arkansas Department of Education State Plan submitted for USDOE review   (see pp. 95 and 96 for specific references to the arts)

Executive Summary of the Arkansas Plan


ESSA Informational Document on the ADE website: 



An In-depth Explanation of ESSA in Arkansas: 



Opportunities for Fine Arts and ESSA 

This brief was developed by Arkansans for the Arts and the ADE Fine Arts Program Advisor for presentation at the Listening Tours held by the Arkansans Department of Education as part of the stakeholder involvement portion of the preparation for writing the Arkansas ESSA Plan.  



ESSA and the Arts:  Analysis from a National Perspective


ESSA--7 Basics to Know

Americans for the Arts prepared this one-page introductory document to the relationship between ESSA and fine arts.


ESSA and the Arts

One page digital informational flyer


ESSA and the Arts

Arts Education Partnership catalogue of ESSA resources, including Educatio Commission of the States' publication ESSA: Mapping Opportunities for the Arts.




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