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Introducing the Theater

Page history last edited by Lana Hallmark 6 years, 11 months ago


Introducing.......the Theater!



Shakespeare in Motion

             Shakespeare in Motion Accompanying PPT


Teaching Creative Writing Creatively




These instructional materials were created by a team of Arkansas classroom teachers and teaching artists through a partnership between the Arkansas Department of Education, the Arkansas Arts Council, and Arkansans for the Arts. Many thanks to the team: John O'Berski, April Gentry-Sutterfield, Christy Armbrust, and hal evans. 


Arkansas Theater and Dance Curriculum Frameworks:  http://www.arkansased.gov/divisions/learning-services/curriculum-and-instruction/curriculum-framework-documents/fine-arts-new-courses-valid-july-1-2015


National Core Arts Standards Model Cornerstone Assessments:  www.nationalartsstandards.org


For more information, contact Lana Hallmark, ADE Fine Arts Specialist, lana.hallmark@arkansas.gov


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